Louisburg College Takes Part in Red Flag Campaign

Students Red Flag CampaignMany 'Canes on and around campus may have noticed a number of small red flags scattered around.    

Students, alongside Student Life, placed these red flags yesterday afternoon. They are meant to symbolize "If you see something, say something."    

This is because Louisburg College is participating in the Red Flag Campaign, created by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. This is a public campaign aimed at preventing dating violence and promoting healthy relationships among college students.

The mission of the campaign is to encourage bystander intervention and raise awareness about the warning signs, or "red flags," of abusive behavior in relationships. By educating students about these signs and empowering them to speak out against dating violence, the campaign strives to create a safer campus environment where everyone is vigilant, informed, and supportive in preventing and addressing sexual and domestic violence.

Red Flag Campaign posters have also been placed across campus with helpful information about red flags to note in relationships. Student Life advisors Toni Cochis and Leya Deickman will also be hosting a One Love workshop on October 18 at 5:00 p.m.

The One Love initiative is in memory of Yeardley Love, a UVA college student tragically killed by her ex boyfriend, and aims to promote awareness about dating violence and encourage safe relationships among students.

For more information, please visit the campaign websites below:

The Red Flag Campaign: http://www.theredflagcampaign.org/

One Love Foundation: http://www.joinonelove.org/about/